New York Cigar Fest is a unique one-of-a-kind experience embracing the prestigious Cigar community. The weekend is comprised of events held at hip venues, created to give our sophisticated cigar aficionados a place to unwind while socializing, networking and smoking cigars with like-minded individuals.
New York Cigar Fest was birthed from one idea: Bringing together Cigar Enthusiasts across New York Boroughs while elevating the Cigar Experience.
The first New York Cigar Weekend was held
Year 2, New York Cigar Weekend expanded its offerings and appeal.
New York Cigar Weekend becomes New York Cigar Fest (NYCF). With month-long activations; educational seminars, popups, tastings and more!
More engaging experiences, more cigars, more spirits, more exclusive access...ARE YOU READY??
New York Cigar Fest will begin with smaller presentations throughout the month of August leading up to New York Cigar Weekend.
**ALL NYCF 2022 Ticket Holders are granted access to Passport Experiences.**
Pure, unadulterated tobacco. NYCF guests will enjoy learning rich history and pairing exclusive cigars with unique spirit brands.
Brandy, Scotch and Whiskey - OH MY! Our guests love the tasting experiences. With everything from Brandy, Scotch, Whiskey to fine wines and champagne!
Talk that Talk Baby! Enjoy deep dive discussions from some of the Cigar Communities most popular faces...LIVE!
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New York Cigar Fest
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